Briana Calderon Photography

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Marissa's Maternity Photo Shoot

What a JOY it is to capture memories for those closest to me! My sister Marissa is expecting her first child this November and I’m not sure I could be any happier for her! I first found out she was pregnant literally just days before I gave birth to my own baby. So technically I can say we were pregnant together (for at least a couple weeks)! This has been a wonderful season of life for me as I’ve entered motherhood and I’m so excited that we get to do it together now. Not to mention how great it’ll be for our babies to be close in age. Now she just needs to move to Washington so they can grow up together!

On my recent visit to New Jersey for the baby shower, we had not just one, but two shoots planned. I was happy to venture out with her and Tony for both! Our first session we stuck with the natural, wooded feel and despite the overcast day, Marissa was still glowing. The next day, we woke up early for a sunrise beach shoot and even though the sun was tucked away behind a layer of clouds, she was still radiant! It was a fun morning and she wasn’t afraid to end the shoot in the waves. Made for some beautiful shots! I’m counting the weeks until their baby boy is here. Stay tuned for those newborn shots!