Briana Calderon Photography

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Tait Family Photos at McMillin Bridge

Another great shoot with the Tait family! A little over a year after shooting Ellia’s one-year photos, we met up again for a family session at the McMillin Bridge, sandwiched between Orting and Puyallup. Jami was interested in a snowy shoot, but unfortunately the climate just wasn’t right yet. Ironically, if we had shot this week, we could have gotten that snow she was looking for! Her plan B was finding a cool bridge and so I began my hunt. I stumbled upon this location after scrolling through Google Maps looking for something over the Puyallup River. Bingo! It’s mainly a trail, but had just what we needed to mix some of nature’s colors with some urban vibes. Ellia took a little extra convincing to smile this time around, but big brother Isaac came in quick with a fart joke and SNAP, got the winning smile! :-P