Briana Calderon Photography

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Bonney Lake Home Lifestyle Newborn Photos

It’s been pretty quiet over here on the blog, but not without reason! While I’ve been busy with shoots, I’ve also been busy at home since I brought home my own little newborn! Granted, she is 8 months old now, but life with two littles is definitely all-consuming. I do love when I have the chance to get out and shoot though! It fills my soul in places I didn’t know needed to be filled. Being a mother of two gave me a deeper appreciation of this shoot with the McCluskey clan. Seeing little Caroline be SO stinkin’ sweet with her new little brother reminded me of my two little girls at home. Elise, my 3-year-old, is absolutely smitten with her baby sister. In fact, just the other night when asked who her best friend was, she said her sister! Melted my mama heart! I do hope she has the same answer years down the line as well! But I digress… Caroline really stole the show with this shoot. Her contagious smile and love for little Owen was so adorable. She loved being in front of the camera and really made this session so special. Enjoy my favorites below!