Briana Calderon Photography

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The Best Last Minute Mother’s Day Gift Ideas Mom Will Truly Love!

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Now I may not have all the answers, but I think being a mom myself, I know a few things about what a mama wants for Mother’s Day! In preparation for this post, I did a quick Google search to see what past years have deemed worthy of a gift guide for mom’s on Mother’s Day and quickly found one of the top lists suggesting a bucket hat as something mom’s want to unwrap! I mean, not to dis any mama’s out there who would love a bucket hat, but I think we can aim a little higher for the only day a year we get celebrated for our love, devotion and the HARD work we do everyday for our kids and family, am I right? 

Now I know Mother’s Day is just around the corner, so I put together a list of things that can be purchased (or set up) with just a couple days to spare. Some of these items are things that can even be purchased late the night before! So here’s your ultimate list of things this mom would want for Mother’s Day and I’m willing to bet any mom out there will love them as well!

1. Spa Day

If you are one who plans ahead, then by all means, schedule a surprise session for your mom or wife and make it effortless for that mama in your life to just unwind!  But if you’re more like me, you probably needed to figure something out like yesterday and you feel like the time is ticking. Well in this case, purchase a gift card! Find a local spa that offers facials and massages or even a nail salon. Make sure they have good reviews before choosing where you want to send your loved one to. Some may have digital gift options while others likely will need to give you a card/certificate. By hey, go the extra mile so she can have something physical to open on Mother’s Day!

If you’re around the Bonney Lake area, Serenity Skincare Lounge comes highly recommended! In fact, I have an appointment there this month for a facial and I can’t wait! Mom’s often have a lot of stress so this is a great way for that special mom in your life to just unwind and not have to worry about work, the kids, or any activities!

2. Motherhood or Family Photo Shoot

A photo shoot is something normally that would need to be planned well in advance, but along the same lines as a spa day, this can easily be presented as a gift certificate!  I’ve had many people buy a gifted session from me and it’s such a thoughtful idea, in my opinion. You’re gifting that special mom with memories that she will truly cherish.

No planning needs to be made in advance to book the session date. All one would need to do is purchase the session and then all the details can be worked out once your mom or wife receives the gift! This will give mama plenty of time to plan and prepare and she’ll be able to have input into which date works best and what location she would love!

This can either be presented as a Motherhood Session, where she can take photos with just her and the kids and really highlight the bond between a mother and her children. Or we can plan for a family photo shoot where everyone is a part of the session, whether that be immediate family or extended! Grandma’s LOVE having photos of their grandkids and wouldn’t it be even more special to have grandma in the photos too?  Either way, this is a gift any mom would appreciate! Contact me for more details if this sounds like the perfect gift for that mother in your life. 

Psst! If you’re a mom reading this and would love a photo shoot for your gift, give your husband a nudge and send this link straight to him. Then he won’t have to guess what you want for Mother’s Day!

3. Box Fox Gift Box

I was introduced to this gift box company many years ago and loved it for client gifts! When I moved to Washington, I had switched to purchasing gifts from a Bonney Lake-based company that I LOVED but has since moved in another direction and closed up shop! I was so sad when she decided to stop because I not only loved her products and mission, I enjoyed supporting a local business.

But I digress, as I do recommend Box Fox 100% for a Mother’s Day gift. There’s even a section with pre-selected items curated just for Mother’s Day. It will make your life easier if you really just can’t think of the perfect gift for mom!

There are custom boxes and pre-made selections. One thing that is super easy about Box Fox is the ability to filter by category of type of gift, occasion or even by color — for those who really want to have that wow factor by matching your gifts match inside! Another fun feature that was recently added is the ability to personalize certain gifts with embroidered names! This is something to consider for a new (or expecting) mom that wants a personalized blanket for her babe.

Go in a check this site out—it’s got lots of presents to choose from and I know your mama will be very excited to open one of these!

4. Amazon Finds

This is the one suggestion on the list that will require at least a 1-2 day buffer, so if you have Amazon Prime, you’ll likely be in good shape! These ideas are purely subjective, but here are some of my favorite things I’ve loved over my last 5 years of parenting. 

  • Contigo Coffee Mug

  • Brest Friend Nursing Pillow

  • Democracy Jeans

  • Slippers

5. Day Off/ Alone Time

If none of these ideas spoke to you and you are still looking for that gem of gift, seriously, give that mama a break!  It literally can be as simple as watching the kids for a few hours and letting her go shopping by herself. The freedom a mom feels when she knows the kids are taken care of and she has the freedom to do her own thing is like no other. Raising a family is wonderful but also so draining! All moms need dedicated breaks. 

Ask your wife or your mom, “if you had 3+ hours to yourself, what would you do”?  Maybe she just wants to take a bath or a nap or read a book! Maybe she wants to go on a long walk in the fresh air and collect her thoughts. Maybe she’d like to go hang out with some friends– you won’t know till you ask! Give her full permission to let go of worries and responsibilities and just truly relax. Some moms would say that would be the ultimate gift!