Full Speed Ahead!

It's no joke when you hear about a "wedding season" and if I were to pick the peak of the season, it would be in June!  For us wedding photographers, it's got to be one of, if not THEE, busiest months.  I am no exception.  I have a full weekend starting today in San Francisco shooting a wedding at Stern Grove for my lovely clients, Matthew and Dawn.  Excited to get moving and capture their special day!  Tomorrow is followed by another wedding in the Santa Cruz mountains at one of my favorite venues, Nestldown.  Both will be beautiful settings in the Redwood trees and I'm sure magical lighting.Next weekend is another double wedding weekend, but luckily I'm only a second shooter (haha) for my dear friend and amazing photographer Danielle Gillett.  But then again, she is over 7 months pregnant so I'm sure I won't be taking it easy!  I get to finish off my back-to-back wedding weekend with an engagement shoot up in Sacramento.  Busy, busy, busy, but I'm grateful for the business blessings :-D  ...Say that five times fast!


Dawn and Matthew's Wedding in Stern Grove


Crosby Family Photo Shoot