Bay Area Bridal Fair at Embassy Suites!

Wow, was I nervous about this bridal fair! I've never done one before so it was all new to me.  Not to mention, it was completely last minute and stressed me out to the max. BUT it was worth it!  I literally got offered a great deal on a booth from Bay Area Wedding Fairs just this past Thursday and whipped everything together in three days... definitely working late into the night/morning.  But with help from friends and support from family, I got it together and had lots of fun.  I got to meet a ton of people including brides, grooms and other vendors, which was great!  Huge thanks to my loving fiancé Nick, who not only kept encouraging me, but actually came out to help me set up and stood by my side during the event!  Thanks to all the brides and vendors I got to talk with.  Hope we'll keep in touch!Bridal fair_blog2

My super last minute banner from Staples!

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Nick helping fan out my business cards.

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I had the people I met sign my "guest book" :-D

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Bridesmaid Gift Idea!


Drew and Erica's Wedding at Thacher Winery July 27, 2013