Great Bridal Expo at the Fairmont

"I don't even know where to begin!"  That's pretty much how I felt while trying to prepare for this bridal fair!  This my second time having a booth at a bridal show and my first time exhibiting with the Great Bridal Expo.  Last year, I pulled something together within 3 days because I didn't even know I was going to sign up until the LAST minute.  This year on the other hand, I knew well in advance I was going to this show and I got my butt in gear months before.  I almost don't know which was worse: the last minute booth or the months of planning ahead!  I stressed out majorly for both of them, but one was much more short-lived than the other. :P  In the end, I'm so happy with how everything came together!I owe a huge thank you my sister Michelle Blackshire, who not only designed my handouts and price lists (not to mention all my other marketing materials), but who actually came out to support me and talk with passing brides and grooms!  My dad was such a great help  in the morning as well with unloading and carrying everything up and doing a much-needed Starbucks run for me!  Thank you to Lauren Gallucci for the awesome pieces from Sweet Lauren Rentals. The booth really came together with the vintage dresser, the lacy bistro set and birch wood stand!  Last but certainly not least, THANK YOU to my wonderful husband Nick for all the help before, during and after.  You have always been my biggest fan, greatest cheerleader and such an encouragement to me throughout my whole photography career.  Thank you for all your hard work at the booth and for being my stress relief through all the months leading up to the fair when I thought I was gonna lose it!

The show was packed with people and I got to talk to many, many brides.  It was a great afternoon and I loved meeting so many new people.  I'm looking forward to 2015 and all the weddings ahead.  Now let's just pray all these efforts pay off! :DGreat Bridal Expo bridal fair at the Fairmont in downtown San Jose, CA.  Photos by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.


I think flowers can make anything pretty.  I reused some ideas from my own wedding this year and incorporated them into my booth.

 Obviously I like this style!Great Bridal Expo bridal fair at the Fairmont in downtown San Jose, CA.  Photos by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Great Bridal Expo bridal fair at the Fairmont in downtown San Jose, CA.  Photos by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Great Bridal Expo bridal fair at the Fairmont in downtown San Jose, CA.  Photos by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Thanks mom for letting me use your iPad to display a slideshow of images :)Great Bridal Expo bridal fair at the Fairmont in downtown San Jose, CA.  Photos by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Crate and wood pale: Some fun finds at Marshall's!  Vintage camera from a good ol' garage sale.

Great Bridal Expo bridal fair at the Fairmont in downtown San Jose, CA.  Photos by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

I upcycled an old frame by using it as a business card display.

All I had to do was paint it white, then glue twine to the back so I could clothespin my business cards to it!

Great Bridal Expo bridal fair at the Fairmont in downtown San Jose, CA.  Photos by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Gotta have an enticing treat to lure those people in!  

Great Bridal Expo bridal fair at the Fairmont in downtown San Jose, CA.  Photos by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Michelle made the cutest Wedding Planner for me to pass out to everyone.  Now all the brides have a 1 year planner with all the important "to-dos" to check off as the months count down :)

Great Bridal Expo bridal fair at the Fairmont in downtown San Jose, CA.  Photos by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.


My unexpected find at Home Depot: A drawer full of succulents!Great Bridal Expo bridal fair at the Fairmont in downtown San Jose, CA.  Photos by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Great Bridal Expo bridal fair at the Fairmont in downtown San Jose, CA.  Photos by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Root Family Photos


Lauren and Jared's Engagement at Vasona Lake Park