Seattle Newborn Photos

Oh, new baby bliss!  Being that this is my first newborn shoot since giving birth to my own little one in March, I can relate to the new parent feelings so much more!  The sleep deprivation mixed with the adrenaline of visitors. The awe and wonder of all your baby's tiny features.  And of course the overwhelming amount of love you have for a human that you literally just met! Janna and Liam are feeling these things and more with little two-week-old Juniper Nelle.  It was such a joy to see my friends and meet their new addition.  I was all too eager to take some newborn photos for them and capture this short period of time where Juniper is this tiny!  Because as a mom myself now, I know the cliche, "They grow so fast," is so TRUE! Babies really do change so quickly in their first year, which is why I think it's so important to document each stage as they develop.  I know without a doubt Janna and Liam are going to be amazing, loving and supportive parents.  Juniper is a lucky girl!


Makenna's Senior Portraits at Seattle Central Library


One-Year Old Pictures in Tehaleh