DiLeonardi Family Photos at Sticks 'n' Stones Park

I was so excited to set this shoot up with Laura and her family. She had originally reached out to me almost a year ago as her family was getting ready to move into my neighborhood right before last Thanksgiving. Unfortunately at the time, dates didn’t line up and we didn’t get anything booked. BUT, it was our first connection that led to a lovely friendship! Since then, Laura moved in a few blocks down the street from me and started a mom’s Bible study right in the neighborhood. Agape Moms has been such a blessing to me and Elise. It’s a place where we can come every week to connect with other mamas in the trenches to seek community, fellowship and learn about living a Gospel-centered life for Jesus. It’s been awesome to meet other women in and around our neighborhood and get to know Laura better! I was flattered when fall came around again this year and she still had me in mind for a family shoot. Her family was a breeze to work with! Happy kids, beautiful spot in Bonney Lake, and just minutes from our houses. I’d say our mini shoot was a success! I hope to do many more shoots in the future with them!


Easton Family Portraits in Gig Harbor


Jolly Family Portraits at Dune Peninsula in Ruston