Annalise & Tariq's Engagement at the Sutro Baths in San Francisco

If a photographer isn't challenged, their work becomes monotonous, stale and uncreative.  If you follow my work, you know how much I love natural lighting, especially at sunset, working with the sun flare and golden rays.  Well, not every sunset ends up looking like that...especially in foggy San Francisco.  Annalise suggested the beautiful coastline for the engagement shoot, specifically the historical Sutro Baths.  I love shooting in new locations and was super excited to meet this couple for their shoot. The afternoon leading up to the shoot was a beautiful day, sunny and bright!  As I got closer to the Bay, typical San Francisco fog started creeping in and I knew this was going to be a different kind of shoot! Annalise and Tariq were just amazing though.  She braved the cold and breezy coastal winds in her dress and Tariq kept her snuggly and warm (as best he could!).  Yes it was overcast and cold but their positivity and sweet smiles kept the shoot flowing beautifully.  Besides, gray skies make for some dramatic photos! I'm really looking forward to their wedding, just around the corner in May.  They are going to make an adorable bride and groom!Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Engagement photo shoot at the Sutro Baths and Land's End Trail in San Francisco. Pictures by Briana Calderon Photography based in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Sibling Graduation Portraits at San Jose State


Erin and Edgar's Engagement in Rainy Cupertino