Newborn Baby Charlotte's Photo Session

Weddings will always hold a very special place in my heart. It’s where I got my start in this photography business and it still brings me joy to capture true love on such a monumental day! But the more I photograph newborn sessions, the more in love I fall with documenting one of the deepest loves that exist: the love of a parent for their child. It’s just so beautiful and those first moments with a newborn are so fleeting! What’s the saying? The “days are long, but the years are short”! This couldn’t be more true in the life of a parent. Those early days are exhausting but they also go by so fast and before you know it, your newborn babe is a talking, waddling toddler! Which is why I’m so honored to photograph those beginning days.

Just like I love hearing how my couples got engaged, I’m always excited to hear the story of labor! It’s always so unique to each and every mama. Being that Saxon is a friend and neighbor, I got some live action updates the day of labor! At 4:30 pm on Feb 28th, 11 days past her due date, labor finally started. Not sure if it was the castor oil shake she had earlier in the day or if baby Charlotte just decided it was time, but things got moving…and quite quickly! Having planned a birth center delivery, Saxon wasn’t sure if they should head over or not because she didn’t want to be turned away if it was too early. Little did she know, baby girl was coming faster than she imagined. By the grace of God, she recalled to me that her labor wasn’t super painful, which is why she was so surprised things had progressed so fast. At about 6:30 pm, she realized Charlotte was coming soon and they wouldn’t have time to make it to the birth center. After a 911 call, Saxon ended up delivering at home and Ian “caught’ the baby just before 7:30 pm! One of the most exciting labor stories I’ve heard in awhile!

It was such a treat to come take pictures for the happy family in their new cozy home. I’m looking forward to watching Charlotte grow and having another little girl in the neighborhood for my daughter to eventually play with!


Family Portraits at Point Defiance Park in Tacoma


Baby Mateo's Newborn Photo Session